Aleksandra Kowalczyk

emancipation of sirens

The text discusses the transformations of the myth of sirens and its contemporary interpretations in Western culture. Throughout the long history of patriarchy, sirens have been transformed from Homer's alter ego into objectified women. They lost their speech in favor of a pure, highly physiological, screaming voice, singing wordless songs. Overcome by male gravity, they left the airspace and were cast into the depths of the sea. They stopped "seeing everything" and became the object of the gaze – a beautiful, sexy body that takes away the mind. However, there are defiant interpretations of this version of the myth, in which logos-less, highly embodied and mesmerizing voice takes on a high value. On this side of literature, Pascal Quignard stood, and in music – vocalists from the experimental genre associated with free improvisation.

The article in Polish can be read on the website of the contemporary music magazine "Glissando": LINK